Home grown strawberries on a homade tart
On the allotment, hidden amongst the mess of straw, the berries have turned red - hooray it’s strawberry season, what a great time of the...

Toasted Pecan and Chocolate Chunk Cookies
These cookies are buttery and nutty and with the addition of dark chocolates, they have a slightly bittersweet flavour to them. Now when...

Summer Berries and Pavlovas
The season starts to fade into the warmth of summer and I can feel it changing around me, all the visual clues. Joggers out for a run...

Celebrations and French Toast
Hooray what a super week - it was my birthday this week, it was my sister's birthday the day after, my friend had a lovely wedding...

Spring Rain and Cornish Fudge
There has been a lot of rain down here in the South East this week - if the garden wasn’t springing up, I would think we were only at the...

The other day I was in Pret A Manger, which if you don't know, is a coffee/sandwich place in the U.K. I had popped in to grab a quick...

Cold Days and Cappuccino Cupcakes
Brrrr! It has become cold here again in the South East and I am missing the warmth and sunshine. I realised this was the case when what...

Country Walks and Eccles Cakes
This weekend is yet another bank holiday here in England - hooray. I am sure that whatever the weather, many people will be digging out...

Sunny Days and Bakewell Tart
I am enjoying the amount of light first thing in the morning when I wake up, it lifts my soul and it makes me feel like it’s going to be...

Hazelnut Chocolate Spread
Gosh - there is so much chocolate in the shops!! With all the Easter eggs and chocolate bunnies packing the aisles of the supermarket, it...