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Cinnamon Palmiers

I will disclose from the outset that these are highly addictive and wonderfully easy which is a dangerous combination. Please don’t blame me if these end up becoming a weakness for you!!

I have fortunately had palmiers on many occasions as I am a lover of all things buttery and crisp, but for some reason I have never made them myself. For a treat that only has a few ingredients, it would be easy to think that one palmier would taste just like another, but homemade and fresh from the oven takes them to a whole new level.

Cinnamon Palmiers - Sky Meadow Bakery blog

This are so quick to whip up, 20 minutes including bake time. So they are great to conjure up when people pop round, or indeed, if you just want to make them for yourself.

Cinnamon Palmiers

1 packet of ready made all butter puff pastry

200g golden caster sugar

1 heaped tsp cinnamon

  • Preheat oven to 180ºC and line a large baking tray

  • Roll the puff pastry out on a lightly floured surface into a rectangle, about half the thickness of £1 coin. Trim the edges to make them neat.

  • In a small bowl, mix the sugar and cinnamon together until combined. Then scatter a third of the sugar over the entire surface of the pastry and roll the rolling pin back over the surface to help get the sugar and spice to stick. Turn the pastry sheet over and repeat this step again.

  • From the longer edge of the pastry, fold over covering 1/4 of the pastry, then fold it again so that the ‘roll’ comes to the middle, repeat with the other longer side so that the ‘rolls’ meet in the middle. Finally, fold one roll on top of the other to make one long roll.

  • Cut the pastry into 1cm slices and dip both edges into the remaining sugar and spice and then place onto the baking tray, leaving 4cm in between each one to allow for them to spread.

  • Bake in the oven for 6 minutes and then flip the palmiers over and bake again for another 6 minutes.

  • Remove from the oven and place straight onto a wire rack to cool down and crisp up.

  • They will keep in an airtight container for 2 days. If you have any remaining cinnamon sugar, keep it in a jar and it will last for a few months.

As I type this, I have to admit that I have eaten all of the palmiers that I baked for this blog!! Just typing the recipe up has made me want to quickly bake some more…

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